The Python walrus operator
April 9, 2021 ‐ 1 min read
Since the release of Python 3.8 we can assign values to variables within an expression using the walrus operator(:=
), also more formally known as the assignment expressions.
An advantage of being able to assign a variable in an if-statement that you only use within the scope of that if statement. This often allows you to write shorter code. For example you could write:
if (exit_code := > 0:
print(f'exited with non-zero status ({exit_code})')
Instead of this:
exit_code =
if exit_code > 0:
print(f'exited with non-zero status ({exit_code})')
The same logic can be useful in while structures too. The following for example is a while loop that requires user input, and quits the while loop when "exit" is entered.
while (line := input()) != 'exit':