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Check if a list is empty in Python

October 25, 2020  ‐ 1 min read

Testing whether a list is empty is quite straightforward in Python. In the context of a if or while statement an empty list will be evaluated as False. Like how empty strings or empty dicts are evaluated as False as well.

glass = []

if not glass:
    print('Glass is empty')

# => Glass is empty

The PEP8 style guide prefers the option as shown above. But in case you rather do a more explicit check the following will do. By comparing with [] we know for sure that glass is a list.

glass = []

if glass == []:
    print('Glass is empty')

# => Glass is empty

Another option is using the len() function in case you rather be somewhat explicit. This way we validate that glass is at least a sequence(str, list, tuple, ...).

glass = []

if len(glass) == 0:
    print('Glass is empty')

# => Glass is empty